In addition to the exhibitions, events, workshops, performances and classes that made up the artistic programme at Bank Street Arts – a programme considerably larger than that of any other arts organisation in Sheffield – we were also involved in devising and managing a number of large scale programmes which both fed into our overall programme but also helped to define it.

Without being fully sure what would merit the label ‘Project’, it would probably have some or all of the following attributes:

  • involve a large number of participants (some projects at BSA involved several thousand artists, students or schoolchildren);
  • involve multiple outputs (exhibitions, events, publications, out of house work etc.);
  • involve considerable outside participation and collaboration with other organisations;
  • often involve open calls, open submissions and/or be hybrid in terms of creative discipline;
  • involve several stages, sometimes starting off as one thing and evolving as the Project grew.

The Projects tab in the Categories list opposite gives some idea of the wide reach of work at BSA. It is not meant as a definition but simply a way of highlighting some of the larger scale projects that took place and complemented the Residency programme to make up a large part of our creative output.